A Church where we make much of Jesus and passionate about showing Him to the world around us through our weekly outreaches (Soul-Winning), Separated lifestyle(Following Scriptural Standards) and showing love to our Neighbors.

Men’s Ministry
Faith Baptist Men’s Ministry is one which seek to actively pursue the men in the Church in order to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for the purpose of winning, growing, and training in Christ. We have a vibrant Men Ministry, and our aim is to help make our men to be more like Jesus.
The Men’ Breakfast Prayer Meeting holds on the 2nd Saturday of every month by 7:00am -8:00am; where we learn Biblical Truths on Moral Standards, How to be godly husbands/fathers, be more dedicated to the Lord and spend good quality time in Prayers.
Join us and you will be glad you did.
2nd Saturday every month
7:00am -8:00am
Women’s Ministery
Spiritual Growth
The Women’s Ministry of Faith Baptist Church encourages women with the Word of God so as to draw them closer to Jesus in their Christian walk. We teach Biblical truths in matters pertaining to Women.
Vocational Training
Apart from spiritual activities; the Women Ministry of our Church organizes Special Vocational Trainings for interested ladies especially during ladies Special Programmes. Thereby get ourselves enlightened with several opportunities that are available out there.

5:00pm – 6:30pm
Women's Health
We understand that women play a vital role in the family as well as in the society – the issue of their health then must be taken seriously. Faith Baptist Women Ministry invites seasoned health Workers from time to time (especially during special Programmes) to teach Women on the importance of looking after their health.
We sometimes take some accessible tests to know the situations of our health.
We hope that you will attend the church and enjoy the fellowship with other Christian women.
Here are a list of events that our ladies’ ministry hosts:
1. Fortnight Women’s Fellowship – Friday 5:00pm – 6:30pm
2. Family Day Celebration – Married Couples Programme. (Kindly Check our Calender section for more information)
3. Women’s Jubilee – September of Every Year (kindly Check our Calendar for more information)

5:00pm – 6:30pm
Young Adults/ Youths Ministries
Faith Baptist Young Adults and Youths Ministries are vibrant, exciting and Christ honouring Ministries for Young Adults from ages 18 and above, while our Youth Ministry is for Teenagers between the ages of twelve and seventeen.
We’ve been able to teach Biblical truths to several young people whom are now glorifying God with their lives in their various carriers and families.
Due to the proximity of our Church to the University; many Young Adults and Youths have had the opportunity to visit, join and become part of the Church family – which has helped them realize God’s plan for their lives.
We have several activities for our Young Adults and Youths every Friday at 5:00pm – 6:30pm. We spend time to discuss issues young people face ranging from Relationship, Carrier, Marriage, Educational Issues and even Parental involvement. We approach all these with the Word of God, and later get into some activities such as mental and physical games.
Our Sunday School Class is also another time of diving into the in depth teachings of the World of God which is scarce in today’s World. Our Young Adults/Youths get opportunity to contribute, ask questions and get answers to their enquiries. Join us every Sunday at 9:30am – 10:30pm.
There are also outdoor Fellowship being organized by these Ministries at least twice a year tagged Singles Special Time (SST).
(Check our website for the Date and Time of the next SST or contact us for more information if interested)
Come thou with us and we will do thee good.
Children Ministry
At Faith Baptist Church, our children enjoy great time of fun activities as they learn the Bible. We have seasoned Children teachers who prayerfully select teachings and activities that will help these Children grow Spiritually, become responsible Children at home and in the Society.
-Our Pre-Nursery Class help take care of your Babies while you get good quality time for the Preaching of the Word of God in the main Church.
– Children Classes are available for the grownups from Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary.
We also have Vacation Bible School in the Month of August for Children of all ages. Kindly check our Calendar for more information.

Drive-In Ministry
Faith Baptist Church Drive-In Ministry is a multi-media Evangelistic Film Ministry. We have a Bus dedicated solely for the Preaching of the Gospel. We drive to different locations in Nigeria, such as Market, Schools, Roadsides or any crowded place and set up our equipments for the purpose of preaching of the Gospel.
We employ the use of great Gospel oriented movies to draw crowds and then witness to them of the Saving Power of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
We have had successful stories of people that have trusted the Lord over the years through our outreaches in different parts of Nigeria.
For photos and videos of our outreaches; kindly request to join our Facebook praying group through this link.
Thank you.
Faith Baptist Bible Institute
Our Bible Institute is a part time training programme for laymen for the work of the Ministry. We presently offer two Programmes: Diplomas and Bachelor’s of Theology Degrees.
Kindly contact us for more information.

Tracts and Christian Materials Ministry
The Tracts and Christian Materials Printing is a ministry of Faith Baptist Church. The purpose of this ministry is to provide tracts and other Christian materials needed for Soul-Winning and for the growth of God’s people all around the Country.
Eye Opener Magazine is a Bi-annual Christian Magazine published under the authority of Faith Baptist Church, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.
For more information about other publications, please click the link to view the website.
Supporting Mission Works and Church Planters in Nigeria.
Faith Baptist Church is a Mission minded Church. We believe in reaching the lost souls for Christ. Apart from our weekly Soul-Winning on Thursdays and Saturdays; we also try to reach other parts of this country with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through Missionaries and Mission Works.
We presently Support seven Missionaries and Mission Works in Nigeria.

Pst & Mrs Adebayo Oyewole
Idanre, Ondo State

Pst & Mrs Sikiru Okunola
Ibesikpo-Asuta, Uyo Akwa-Ibom

Pst & Mrs David Adesina
Abikehin, Via Ajawa, oyo State

Pst & Mrs Reuben Oladibu
Odo-Oba, Via Ogbomoso, Oyo State

Pst & Mrs Abandy
Makoko, Lagos State
Drive-In Ministry
An Evangelistic Film Ministry that travels to different locations in Nigeria – with the aim of reaching the lost souls with the gospel of Christ through Christian movies

Safe Harbor Baptist Children’s Home
An Orphanage based in Ogbomoso, Oyo State
Get in Touch.
We are here for you!