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Church Is Essential…
Not because I am a Pastor, but because I am a Christian. Hebrews 10:25a Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, …

Church Is Essential…
Not because I don’t know the harm Covid-19 can do, but because I know we need each other more at the time of trouble. Acts4:23-31 (We need our Company for encouragements, prayers, Physical and moral Supports.)

Church Is Essential…
Not because I don’t Know that such gatherings make people exposed to the virus, but because I know many Churches just like ours will be more careful and observe physical distancing, make face mask use compulsory, provide hands disinfectants than places tagged by our government as essential; viz-a-viz Markets, Shopping Malls etc.

Church Is Essential…
Not because of the Offerings, but because the offering of help would be easily done. I have heard people say that Churches want to open for selfish reasons but that’s very far from the truth.
By the grace of God, many Churches such as ours have offered our help by supporting members and non-members with palliatives. Some members may feel ashamed to call or text when in deep need due to previous help earlier received. However, on sight assessment Church members can be of help to each other. The church is a place we bear other people’s burdens. Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

Church Is Essential.
Not because I don’t call or text other members, but because virtual interactions cannot be as real as physical interactions. Even with physical distancing, you still feel more excited about having your loved ones around than just electronic interactions.

Lastly, Church is essential not because it’s just a phrase coined due to Covid-19, but because it has been my way of life since I got saved in 1994. No matter what I was going through; I am always looking forward to that time of Encouragement, Fellowship, Special Songs, Great Hymns and to top it up, Great Preaching from great men of God. I always leave the Church excited and looking forward to another service time. Just guess how people have the same thoughts as me presently? By the time all these are over, some may have fallen into depression.

The church is essential because we need God and each other now more than ever. Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Samuel Temitope Akande
Associate/Young Adults’ Pastor
Faith Baptist Church, Ogbomoso
Publisher and Editor
Eye Opener Publications.


Faith Baptist Church